Apphia Marie, born at 2:09pm April 20 after 3 days of inducing. 4 hours of legitimate, actual contractions once the OB broke my water, and no more than 5 minutes pushing (I literally pushed a max of 5 times). Everything happened crazy fast once it finally started, and we are both recovering very well!! 7lbs 0oz, 19inches, perfect blood sugars for her so far, and I'm still trying to figure out my own insulin settings but I've stayed under 150 with no lows!?
With my first I pushed for around 3 hours, so can feel your pain!! I strongly believe I had too much pitocin this time (I actually had one contraction that didn't stop for over 10 minutes and that's when they cut the pitocin in half). The fast labor was nice but we are lucky her and I came out with no real complications because she dropped and delivered REALLY fast. She did have the cord looped around her neck/shoulder and Doctor tried to pull it off but she was coming too fast that he just had to deliver as is.
21.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommameaghann, 5 minutes of pushing? I'm jealous. I pushed for an hour or more.