Lemonheads, jolly ranchers vitamin B6, watermelon, lemon infused ice cold water to drink..... unfortunately whoever named it morning sickness was horribly wrong. I had terrible morning sickness from the moment I found out I was pregnant until about a week ago and the nausea has still lasted and sometimes it pops up whenever it feels like....all day sickness is a struggle, but do yourself a favor and make sure that you never let your stomach get completely empty because that will make the nausea even worse so try plain Goldfish crackers Saltines little things like that and stick with fresh fruits and vegetables things that are water-based and the like and you will get through little mama I promise😉
thank you guys, peppermints seem to help some... but not to much! I'm just sick of feeling like this I rather throw up than feel sick all day! Nothing taste good or sounds good. I feel like it's a full time job to force myself to eat!
Ginger ale helps me a lot. lemons also work for me but i drink ginger ale the most. theres also this nasea suppliment thing they make for pregnancy that i have. it seems to work a bit as well. i just dont take it much.