my boyfriend and i got together we would gave sex 2 or 3 times a day it was like that for a long time. then when i got pregnant sex stipped and id get it maybe once a week. well ge usually wpuld go outside in the mornings. well one day he came inside and i asked to use his phone because mine was in the room. and on his tabs he was watching "skinny blonde had a good time with country boy" i was so upset... because im the first thick girl he had been with. all of his exs are skinny skinny girls. he would make jokes about the stuff ge would do to them and. i would put it off. but soon as i found out he was watching porn i was crushed all i could do is cry. then a couple weeks later in his search history on instagram he looked up "big tits" and stuff like that. it hurt my feelings. because he knows i would give it to him any time any way and do whatever he wants. but since i explained to him how it made me feel. he has stopped and doesnt even have an internet phone .. but im still hurt.
I watch it cause my husband's sex drive is far lower than mine and sometimes when I just can't be bothered to have sex with him when he wants to then I'll see it in his history, but that's just us. personally I think it may have helped out sex life too cause we kinda learn new things
I think it's disgusting lol like you enjoy watching other people have sex and do things to each other?? That's so weird to me. I can't watch it cause I think it's hilarious and embarrassing for the people in the porn lol
mine watches porn,then right before he gets off...that's when he has sex with there's no even kissing anymore. I hate it if he didnt watch it we wouldn't have this prob
You should really talk to him about it and tell him how you feel. Porn kills intimacy between husband and wife. It destroys relationships and is very unhealthy for couples. I'm sorry you are going through this honey. Feel free to message me.
@angeleawhite, I don't mind at all myself. Everyone is different. I've been so tired & nauseous I really haven't felt up for much sex. I can't expect him to quit having a sex drive because I am pregnant. I'm happy he can just take care of himself. He's a wonderful man & treats me very well. Don't let it lower your self esteem, you are carrying his child and their is nothing more beautiful than that!
Occasionally mine does, always turns on when we are going to be together but he is sensitive to know when is appropriate. For example none was turned on the first month or so postpartum probably because he knew I thought I looked like shit, Especially as I thought I looked sexy during pregnancy.
I wouldn't be upset but that's me. I'd even watch porn with him. I honestly don't care about it. My man doesn't watch porn a lot but here and there he may. And sometimes I learn new trick and spice up our sex life