i lost my mucus plug Sunday I was 5cm dilated at 4pm yesterday and Labour pains were pretty bad. they eased off last night then earlier started again.about 10 mins ago i felt like I was wet down below so went toilet I'm not sure if fluid came out of me or I had a wee but anyway I wiped myself then when I got bk to the bedroom I felt wet down below again. I really dunno what it is?

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about the trickle xxx
19.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@sheffield94446, what did you find on baby centre hun xx
19.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lilmissy26, this is what I found on babu centre xxx
19.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
The trickle

Many women have a trickling or leaking instead of the more dramatic gushing.

I felt a warm trickle of fluid down my legs.It was so slow that I thought it was sweat or normal discharge.I seriously thought I had wet my pants. I went to the bathroom three times and changed my clothes before realizing that I wasn't suffering from pregnancy incontinence. It didn't happen like the movies. I went for a walk at the hospital to relieve my contractions, and at one point I bent over to throw up. I thought the pressure of throwing up had made me pee – very embarrassing. It turned out that the pressure had actually made my water break.I felt really wet and it was slowly leaking. Over time, it began to leak more and more until it started gushing.
19.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
start of you waters??
19.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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