When do babies start sleeping for longer stretches? My LO is 6 weeks and wakes up every 2 to 3 hours to eat. Last night she actually woke up every hour...it was brutal
My son is 11 weeks old and is still eating every 2 hours most of the time, sometimes 3 hours, sometimes every hour. And still does that at night as well. BUT it only takes him like 10 minutes to eat now, where back at 6 weeks it was still taking him at least half an hour. So that part is better!
My daughter was breast fed and she was purvey 2-3 hrs and I never slept until she was 6 mnths old! It was crazy try maybe putting a little bit of cereal like a teaspoon of it in her bottle of breast formula. It may help her sleep a little better
wow that's crazy..it's really hard in the beginning, you just started not to long ago..having support from others helps alot..my son now is 5 months and 2 weeks..he was colic (it was horrible) screaming and not sleeping much etc now he sleeps 9hrs at night and small naps (2-3 hours) all day
@ethansmommy21, I am breastfeeding but I do have some milk pumped in the fridge. It takes me even longer though when I try and get her to take a bottle. It's like a 20 minute scream fest before she will even start eating from the bottle each case time whereas from the breast at least she starts right away
@amaperalta03, I don't even mind if se doesn't sleep through the night for many months to come... I just wish she would go for longer than 2 hour stretches. It's starting to wear me down! But yup I guess that's motherhood and for the most part I am just so happy!
Welcome to motherhood where moms don't ever sleep lol . Every baby is different my daughter didn't sleep thru the night till she was 4-5 months I know people's whose children started sleeping thru that night at like 8 months and some at one month every single baby is different