I have no better place to do this so don't mind my post. I just need to rant.
I'm sorry I'm not the best, I'm sorry I don't try hard enough, I'm sorry I don't currently have a paying job(I stay home with our 7 month old), I'm sorry I don't have my license honestly never wanted it, it scares me. I'm sorry that I don't fanatically support our family, I'm sorry that I am just a fuck up.
I know I need to try harder for our daughter at least. and from tomorrow on (since it's too late now) I will try harder if it's not for me or you for Sky...
just know you're not perfect as well and even with your job and salary you're not the only one who takes care of us. fanatically yes but emotionally and physically no you don't do it all on your own. I do take care of our baby physically and emotionally and I'm not the best I can improve. but don't make me out to be the only bad guy... we both play apart and both need to put our efforts in this family... it's not just about me or you anymore it's about US and SKYLAR...
I love you both and I so want to be with you forever. so I hope we can figure everything out and both put 50/50 in this family.