My 2 week old daughter is "lactating". I looked it up and it says it's because my hormones are still in her and that it's normal but I am freaked out by it. I feel bad. Anyone else's dd do this??? Should I call her doctor??
A lot don't do it unless you accidentally out pressure on their nipples. I've seen both boys and girls do it. And kinda random question- I just noticed the 1216 at the end of your username and am curious of why 1216? Lol I have the same ending that's why I was wondering
@cookiemonster1216, that's relieving. I just asked my sisters if their daughters did this and both said no so that freaked me out even more but nice to know there's others.
It happens to every baby, completely normal because of the leftover hormones. Baby girls can also have a "mini period". My dd did and that freaked me out lol But lactation is definitely normal, every baby I've been around has done it (and I've been around tons of babies.)
Well we were at her doctor yesterday for a checkup and I swear I saw a wet spot on her little boob but thought there's no way. Then just now went to change her and she had wet spots on both of them on her onesie!!
Yes it's normal. My daughter did the same thing. Only squeeze to relieve the pressure no more than that or her body will produce more. It will go away in a few weeks.