That's such a hard thing to deal with! and unfortunately it's a common issue, you really don't have too many choices other than 1. saving up as much as possible to get you though. 2. applying for financial aid which you should start now if you're considering it. or 3. not taking a leave :( I had the same issue with my first born. I was only off of work for 2 weeks because I couldn't afford to take any more time than that. This country pisses me off sometimes with the shit they feel is important and the stuff the don't think is. We are 1 of only 2 countries in the world that don't have paid maternity leave as a law!! and a big chunk of the world gives up to a year!
well the thing is my other job fired me (because I'm pregnant ) so i just got another job on the 11th. my due date is June 28. i could only get fmla if I've been with them for a year. so once again i have to get terminated and attempt to apply again in August ig. so im not sure what i can get
I'm not 100% sure either, but you can go down to the office and talk to someone. there just has to be something for someone in your situation... And even if the unemployment office can't help, they may know of someone that can help you