Don't be my baby is fine I got an ultrasound done and I'm over a weeks late and she's still fine. Doctors recommend it just because she read something online doesn't mean she's right sweetheart. If your baby is moving around fine and nothing feels different then you and your darling baby will be fine. Stress and worrying does more damage sweetie. @gionna_sav
I've done it too love it's alright my doctor actually told me to do it because I wasn't progressing before they set me up for inducing. Don't worry about the negative things it's your baby ❤️@gionna_sav
Should stay away from the castor oil! If it doesn't work, you should stay away from it. Try squats, bouncing on a ball, walking fast for awhile, or wait for the munchkin to come when he or she is ready. Unless you have a medical reason or are going to get induced and don't want to, I would just wait
If you're questioning whether it is bad or not, why are you getting mad at people for telling you the real effects of it? You're just looking for trouble by posting this when however many people already just tried to tell you the effects 😂
girl it's one of them nights on here u could say the grass was green in ur yard & someone would have something to say I hate to tell ppl castle oil is in alot of things even lipstick