Sophia Hamilton
Sophia Hamilton
I found out that I was actually (16 weeks 1 day) I went into the ER because I was passing blood clots, but previously few months ago I had light pink blood thought I was fine normal (Doctor told me women have healthy pregnancys and still bleed) I haven't had any cramps, but today passed a two inch clot so I was very scared. Came back from the ER did blood/urine and even ultrasound, everything came out fine! Could this be my fault because I'm stressing out so much!? The doctor said I need to stay out of work until I see my OBGYN.

Any mommies with similar stories please share ❤

Лучший комментарий


@nikkimolano1, dont worry it happen to me with both my pregnancies when i was pregnant with my boy it happen at 18 weeks they couldn't figure out why and he was born at 40 weeks no problems with this baby same thing happen at 17 weeks and same story the didn't no why now I'm 26 weeks and no problems
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I just left er I'm 13 weeks I was bleeding as well dr said I need to take it easy I have rh negative blood so need a shot during pregnancy so that my body doesn't reject the bby hope everything goes smooth for u
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
You should be fine but make sure your on bed rest
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Look up sch subchronic bleed it seems like that but everyone's different
15.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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