I'm the second oldest of eight. If you can provide for them and you can handle it, there's nothing wrong with it. It's you and your hubbys decision, not anyone else's.
I used to always say I wanted 4 kiddos. Now that I'm pregnant thinking about having more than one stresses me out. I know that will change as my baby gets older and I'll definitely want at least one more. To me, if 4 kids is your dream and that would make you happy then do it! Don't hold yourself back.
I'm 25. I'll be 26 in may. however the only problem is I have a bad back. my doctor told us if we're going to do this it'll have to be soon because my body couldn't handle a pregnancy at 28 if we waited the 3 years between each kiddo like we have before. we have a 7 month old and we agreed that we'd start trying when she's about 9months to a year. We're just leaving it up to God.
See my husband and I are high school sweethearts and have always wanted 4. We've been to married 11 years and known each other 16. we have 3 beautiful babies already but I don't think we'll be satisfied until we have our 4th because it's always been our dream to have 4.