I'm trying to teach my 6 month old how to sit on her own but omg she's not having it she doesn't want to do anything she doesn't wanna do tummy time so she can learn how to scoot & crawl she doesn't wanna roll over I see alot of other babies around 5 months can already sit unassisted idk maybe I'm just rushing it

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Going through the same thing with my baby! She wants to go places on her own and be independent but when I try to get her to do tummy time etc she throws a fit 😑 lol I'm just ready for her to do all that stuff but I guess we just have to be patient ☺
13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
all babies do it at their own pace. give her time maybe she's not ready yet
13.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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