@maddy16, they weren't too bad honestly. but I may have a higher pain tolerance because I was having big ones while getting the epidural. everyone handles pain differently though.
Yea I'm getting induce due to baby not wanting to come out by himself 😩😩 I'm over my due day, I'm going to 41 weeks Thursday. Was your contractions strong? Cause I don't want to get and epidural, I Hurd bad stuffs about it nd I'm not really looking forward to get it. @momwife1316
They used the vaginal pill (can't remember what it's called), 1/4 of the pill at 2am, another 1/4 a pill at 6am, then at one point they broke my water and started pitocin. It wasn't until about noon that I started feeling pain, got some sort of pain relief, then the epidural, and shortly before hitting the 14 hour mark my son was born.
i got induced w/ my first baby and will be getting induced again. no medical reason other than baby and I are both in good condition for it. the first time went great, got an epidural too but it didn't make me loopy or anything. still aware without the pain. but theres always risks no matter which way you give birth. I kinda think this baby will come earlier than expected but we will see and im hoping if I do get induced again that it'll go as smoothly as my first. about 4 hrs of labor and 23mins of pushing and it was over. lol @maddy16