honestly not bragging but so proud of myself for not getting stretch marks! they say it's all genetics and it doesn't matter what you do..and they lie! my mom, aunt and grandma all got them but I took good care of my skin; always moisturizing, DRINKING TONS OF WATER, never scratching my tummy and eating a healthy diet(mostly 😉) and I didn't get any. I'm 5'3 normally 115lbs and I ended up getting to 160 and having almost a 9lb girl lol...take steps to prevent them and it willlll help, I promise! just some advice 😊

Лучший комментарий


I didn't do anything to prevent them. I would lotion every once in a while, but nothing more than I would do not pregnant. I didn't get any either! And then bam I start breast feeding and my boobs are covered in a day. You're lucky
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
yesss! most definitely☺ lol water is my go to for a lottt of stuff! headaches, constipation..etc. I feel like a lot of common problems can be solved by drinking enough water @maybaby2016
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
definitely not! water is so good for your skin, I'm sure it does help somewhat. hydration is so good for preventing long term wrinkles as well, even though it's just a small percentage and other skin care is definitely a contribution, drinking water plays a part in it too. 😊💦
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
even if lotions don't do much I definitely believe staying very hydrated makes a difference! couldn't hurt anyway lol @maybaby2016
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
my mom got them and I didn't, I'm 33 weeks with baby #4. My doctor says that it just depends on your skins elasticity and there really isn't much that you can do to prevent them. if you're going to get them, it's inevitable. I've never used anything specific to prevent stretch marks, just my regular lotion every now and then.
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes! definitely all those factors matter! No matter what I read said it was all genetics and nothing you do really matters but I was so determined to not get any so I really stressed taking good care of my body and it really works :) good for you though! that is definitely something to be proud of 😊 even if you can't prevent them 100% I still think you can prolong their appearance and severity you know? lol
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree! my mom's are horrible but I have always been huge on lotion and I'm a huge water drinker so it wasn't much of a change for me. any time I'm itchy I lotion myself up like crazy..2nd baby at 35 weeks and I'm stretching pretty well! I think that it matters how you show too. I'm having another boy and look exactly the same so my body has already been stretched in the same manner. now vericose veins..I'm not so lucky lmao my legs look awful!!
12.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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