I felt Baby Jo move from the outside finally! she kicked my hand... she's a momma's girl already. as soon as her daddy puts his hand on my belly she stops lol.
Oh just wait 😍☺️ the kicks and punches get stronger. It literally feels like he's doing flips it's crazy lol he does something and it makes my tummy turn like I was coming down a big hill or roller coaster lol. No idea what he's doing in there but clearly he's having Lots of fun @babynumber1
I'm 24 almost 25 and my son can be felt really well and be seen and still doesn't kick for daddy lmao I'm hoping just a couple more weeks and he can finally feel him. It kills me bc I feel them see them and he doesn't. @babynumber1
@emmettjames16, isn't it funny lol! he gets upset, but soon enough she'll really be able to be felt and seen from the outside, so he won't miss a thing!