Oh I see. Well I live in Indiana too so I don't see why you would have problems when I didn't. If there's anything I can do help just message me and let me know. I'm the kind of person that hates making appointments and being on the phone and such so my boyfriend pretty much took care of it for me. We just went online and put that I was pregnant and answered some basic questions about income and stuff and I got an email the next day saying I was approved
it was with my first pregnancy but all I had to do was make an appointment at a local hospital and answer questions and fill out some paperwork and I got my paper that day! look it up online see if you have a hospital that offers it so they can help u do it and if not just call fssa and they should be able to help!@oliviafay1
since your in Indiana u can call and apply for presumptive eligibility Medicaid basically u call ur local fssa and apply and they can get u put on Medicaid quicker and u can be seen without having a Medicaid card bc they give u a paper stating u have it
@emkasting, we'll I hope they approve mine that quick. I did have ohio medicaid but moved to indiana and they said I had to call and cancel that before I'd even get approved over here. and nobody over here takes ohio medicaid so I had no choice but to switch
sorry to hear that mama. could you maybe go to the Dr and then just pay it back when your Medicaid is approved? I can say I applied when I was 5 weeks and was approved by the time I was 7 weeks.