follow your instincts ladies! the day I went in to labor I was having some signs that I was really concerned about so I called my doctor. there were only nurses there that day so I had to talk to a nurse. This nurse said " we saw you yesterday sweetie you are not in active labor you're just having braxton hicks contractions, keep an eye on the bleeding.. if its still worrying you than you can go to the hospital but they probably won't do anything. I'll make you an appointment." so I started crying and with in 5 MINUTES the blood had gotten darker. So I was like I'm going to the hospital I don't care if they check and then send me home something doesn't feel right. I get up there and get checked I was still only 3cm dialated but I was STILL BLEEDING like a slight period. So after I get checked the doctor was like I want you to walk around for an hour to see if anything has changed. within 1 HOUR I went from a 3cm to a 6cm! the doctor came back and told me I was in active labor and couldn't leave.! I got hooked up to IVs and and got the epidural and everything and a couple hours later I went from 6cm to 8cm! labor was long (12:30pm- 5:35am.) pushing for 2 hours! finally at 5:35 am on march 31st I gave birth to my beautiful 8 pound 11 ounce baby boy😘 I knew to follow my instinct and I'm glad I did