Hey mommies. i haven't been on in several weeks. Been crazy. i have some stories to tell. and for warning this is a book. So many know i have had some crazy weird complications throughout my pregnancy. To name a few:
polyhydramos - not fun (extra amniotic fluid) when i say extra i mean 3xs normal like as if i was having triplets. lol. so from about 25 weeks i was carying as if i was full term.
contractions - at about the same time i started havjng contractions. ( my body thought it was time, just to much fluid) thankfully they didnt do much dialating.
gestational diabieties - yep thats me, the one time i can eat and not worry about the weight. nope lets poke ourself 4-6 times a day and not eat anytjing u love. (hell) oh and this is also what probably contributed to the polyhydramos, because to rid your body of the sugar babies pee. baby pee = amniotic fluid.
Diabieties insipidis - never heard of it? dont worry most drs hadnt either. my dr said in 22 years had only seen it one other time. basically my kidneys were either not listening to my brain, or my brain wasnt signalong properly, but i was peeing way more than i should. my dr dismissed me when i said i pee non stop. (all preggies do right) well on a 24 hour urine culture we took i had turned in 2-3 times the amount of urine typically captured. problem here is although i am drinking gallons and gallons of water daily because i can not quinch my thirst, i am actaully dehydrated because i am peeing out all the good stuff. not good.
preclampsia - i played back and forth with this one. one day all is well next day.. preclampsia diagnosis on the horizon.
So to thank the diabieties my little dude was growing large very fast, at my 34 week drs appointment with high risk dr. i found out he was clocking in at 8.2lbs.. i immediately was in tears. i knew what it meant, that means that i would probably either need to elect a c-section or i would be trying a natural delivery at greater risk to both of us, and still need an emergency c-section. sure enough this is exactly what i was told. Dr then said i want to get you to 36 weeks if we can. lets schedule a csection for then.
so a week goes by, mind you i have had my normal 2 weekly dr appointments. still waiting to find out when my c section will be, because inelected to switch hospitals last minute to ensure NICU would be there. which means my drs will not be delivering and i will have a random dr i have never met preforming my surgery. So, at my drs appointment and guess what preclampsia is rearing its head. my bp is through the roof. mind you my feet look like elephant feet. So my dr sends me tonthe hospital but this time i need to go to the hospital she is not priveleged to incase they decide to deliver. uggg
flash forward a few hours i am in hospital blood pressure is completely normal, go figure. but the dr on call is looking over everything, shocked by all my conditions says he thinks everything is fine and he is sending me home. but he wants some blood work. i can get dressed to go home. about 20 mins later he comes back and says, you havent eaten anything have you? i said no, he says good. i am admitting you, and we are delivering this baby. i was so confused, relieved, scared, excited, and exauhsted. He claimed he just felt like i was really sick and didnt feel comfortable rolling the dice. so he contacted the hihh risk dr on my case and her partner said take the baby now!. so here we go. waited for my hubby to get there.
but a few hours later i am wheeled into prep for surgery mind you this sucks. the last thing i wanted was a c-section, an epidural or a spinal. but the babies safety was my priority. I absolutely hated the process of my legs going numb i was told i was breathing to heavy i wpuld hyperventalate. i didnt evem know i was. but i calmed my self. my husband finally got to come back after i was prepped which felt like an eternity. he came back right at my head and held my hand and kissed my forehead. i cried at how much i hated this but he helped keep me calm.
Just moments later my son was born. they swept him away to a little incubator in the room. i could hear his wailing which made me cry almlst hysterically. i was so concerned with his health. after several moments checking him out they started bringing hin to me. during this, they realized he was breathing but struggling. i got less than 2 mins to look at him sideways on my chest while my hands where both occupied by needles and cuffs. He was perfect. but he is being wisked away to NICU, although the last thing i wanted was to be alone, i looked at my hubby and said, "dont you leave him". so they left. i laid on the table just baffled and so disoriented. i was then taken to recovery. where i stayed for 2 hours. i felt all sorts of things. hot, cold, nauseous, scared, numb, tingly. heavy. you name it. i asked how my son was and finally got word that he was doing well being assisted by bpap. all of a sudden a nurse comes in with my hubby, my heart was going crazy. i was so glad to see him but scared with what that meant but i saw his face, he wasnt in a panic, just maybe slightly nervous. proabably because he didnt listen and left my little man. the nurse exclaimed, i know you told him not to leave, but the baby is fine and nana and pop pop are with him. they were all worried about you and dad is the only one allowed back here. so dont be mad. of course i couldnt i was so happy to see him. minutes later we get to leave recovery and go by nicu to see my little man, then up to my room. i got to see him for again just moments along with my parents and my aunt. then taken to my room. where i laid stuck in bed till the next day.
We were in NICU for a week in which he was weaned off the bpap and treated for Jaundice, and tube fed till he would eat on his own consistently. then last Friday April 1st, the day i would have been 36 weeks, we were told we where going home. within hours we were in the car. praise God. the last several days we have been playing catch up on sleep, as my days at the hospital was consumed with us by his side day in and day out. but we are all recovering well. i could write another book about my experience with c-section and the recovery, but i will save that for another time lol.
Cooper Whyatt Augenstein
perfection. P.s i will upload more photos of our experience. also, please excuse my typos or gramatical errors. i am typing from my phone and there is alot to edit. xoxo