Ladies, will you be the bigger person and forgive your baby father if he's done you wrong more then twice for the baby sake? And allow him to still be in his child life?
From experience I always was upfront and left the door open for him. Crazy times back then. I never ever told him he couldn't see our daughter but I never tried to force him to. It was his loss not mine. It took time but we now are a happy family with three kids and twins on the way. I also never ever bad mouthed him in front of our daughter because I feel if he was a dead beat I will protect her as much as I can but kids are smart and they figure it all out in the end. Helpful tip I learned to never tell her when she may see him or we had plans. That lead to so many heartbreaking moments of her crying and wanting daddy but he'd bail for one reason or another. I learned to just show up if he didn't she never knew she was missing out on seeing him. I never wanted to have him or her feel like he was being forced to be involved. Because then it leads to many angry and hurt feelings. Try to include but take your heart out of it expect the worst so if he doesn't show you and baby aren't let down. If he shows it says alot.
well if he says he's going to come and see the baby and never shows or doesn't put any effort in it then yeah I wouldn't let him see the baby because I don't want my daughter get all excited to see her father and get disappointed because he doesn't show
depends if he's a drug addict then no he doesn't get to see my child until he straightens up his act but if it's something like for cheating or lying or we're just unhappy then yes because that baby deserves to have a father in its life who am I to take that away from her