Anyone else getting chewed out by your doctor about weight gain? I'm 34 weeks and I've gained like 35 pounds so far. That's technically more than you're supposed to gain, I know, but I didn't think I was doing TOO bad!
Haha I know right! That's how I feel too! I haven't been exercising as much as I should be, but I still do exercise. And I eat plenty of fruits, veggies, and lean meats. But I also eat ice cream and pizza lol. It's not like I only eat crap though! @ftm2babyc
I'm not too worried anymore. but honestly, you shouldn't be either, as long as you do a little exercise, eat what ya want to. I try to eat healthy but if I want candy, I'm going to eat it. this is the one time I'm allowed to be "fat" lol
omg today my doctor told me that I gained 7 pounds and that it was too much. prepregnancy weight was 210 and I'm 24weeks and only gained 7 pounds. remind you I had really bad morning sickness up until 5 months I lost it all.....
I don't know how to feel besides all butt hurt.
@babybee, it is super hard when you're so hungry all the time! I don't eat as healthy as I should, sure. But everyone else I know gained 50, 60+ while pregnant... And again, I'm hungry! I need CARBS! Haha
@tarenfaye, it can.. but it's not easy when you're hungry all the time there was once I gained like 9 lbs in 2 weeks and I ended up loosing it by eating healthier of course so I'm sure she means to just eat healthy I remember at the time my doc told me slow it down on the fried foods I looked at him like what the heck lol .. but now I wish I would have kept eating healthier now that according to my last ultrasound my baby is 8 lbs 12 oz 😢😢😢
My doctor was nice about it..kindly advised me to stop gaining weight, and told me the dangers of gaining to much. I started at 135 now I'm 174..guess that is a lot
@babybee, my doctor was telling me that I need to stop eating so much, that too much weight gain could cause complications with the baby and labor... I thought she was being super dramatic. It's not like I'm obese!