Mickaila Hickerson
Mickaila Hickerson
Ok, so I just want to rant to someone about this. Before my husband and I got together he had a baby previously with another women, but he didn't know it was his at first got the paternity test done. It was ok, ok so we went to court for child support. Let me explain this girl though, she's nuts, doesn't care about her child, always is after my husband even though she knows he doesn't want her. (Obsessed is a better term) anyways, she told him he wasn't aloud to see the kid if I was in the picture. Like he had to leave me before she let that happen. He refused. She has primary custody. But since my husband has never had anything to do with that child because of her and the kid thinks her boyfriend is the daddy he isn't going to pursue anything. She messaged me a few days ago wanting to know if we wanted to see the baby. I wasn't stupid. She admitted that it had nothing to do with the kid to her friend who tells me everything. So now she wants my husband to sign over his rights so her current boyfriend can adopt the kid. But my husbands not sure what to do. Ugh I knew what I signed up for, but this girl is beyond crazy. She stalks me and my husband. I'm lost for words. Sorry to put this here I needed to say it somewhere.

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It is what's best. We are moving to another state because she never wanted him in the child's life.( she was selfish) and i would never do it to hurt the child. I have my own and I couldn't imagine. The kid doesn't even know his dad and if he did he would know him as the mother wants him to know. He will grow up hating him either way. @tahtahme
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Just make sure you decide if 1) he really never wants to see his child again and 2) you are doing this as what's best for the child not just you or him. Just be sure. Cuz his child is going to have animosity at him for this, I am sure of it.
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
we both know the man that will adopt him. He's a good person, I'm not worried about the child because he surrounded by positive people; even though he has that crazy nut for a mom. She has caused so much pain between my husband and I it's getting out of hand. If we fight its always about her. And I don't want her to be a reason anymore.
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
personally I think bc the mom is a you know what and she is a nut and won't let him be involved because the kid thinks the bf is the dad your husband would be better off signing his rights over IF that's what best for the kid maybe talk to the man that will adopt him first? totally up to him though
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies for not judging my husband. Everyone calls him a dead beat but won't listen to the full story.
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
He doesn't have medical for the child because she goes through the state for Medicare. I wasn't sure about child support. He understands that once the rights are gone they are gone. The kid is taken care of by his grandparents so I know he's in good hands. I have been with my husband for two years and it has been non stop since we got together. It's getting to be ridiculous. It would definitely be something I would pursue if the dad has nothing to do with your son. @lil_bigmama @kimberlyyyy
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
He will no longer have any legal ties to the kid. On the plus side:: no more paying child support. The bad side:: if he ever wanted to see the kid he would have no right to do so. Hopefully if he signs off his rights the kid will be in good hands. I've thought about asking my first son's biological douchebag to sign off his parental rights so my husband can adopt my son but I haven't bothered with it yet.
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's his call but make sure if he signed over his right it's all of them child support and medical also
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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