so I need some opinions... in December I moved here to Indy from FL. As time goes on, I get more and more home sick. ( but no longer have any family there.) I regret leaving my job I loved, I miss everything about FL , and then my 8 yr old daughter the other day tells me she wants to go home too. mind you I haven't mentioned anything to her about me missing FL. now my thoughts are, save money, have the baby and move back to where I call home. Moving back AFTER the baby though will be harder due to having to rent a truck and they don't have enough room for a baby and 8 yr old.. Also, don't want to move my daughter's school again before it's out. if I wait till she's outta school I might as well wait until I have the baby. ugh sorry if none of this makes since, I can't sleep or do anything but think of FL and being home.

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@tburnett21811, I hope you can work it out for you guys. It sucks to be stuck where you don't feel like you belong ot you're unhappy. If you're going to feel guilty about it you can try and stick it out for longer but it really sounds like it's just not the place for you.
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hladybug, I guess so.. on the other hand I guess I also feel guilty because I was going to drive up by myself, my bio father told me no and him and his wife came and got my daughter and I. it hasn't been that long that I've been here and just feel like they wasted their time I guess. I am dreading the convo about my daughter and I wanting to go home.
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@tburnett21811, Sounds like you have plenty of reasons to go.
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hladybug, yes there was. My mother threw my daughter and I out on the streets couldn't save money to get a place. was robbing Peter to pay Paul. so I had no option but to come up here. the situation with my mother is over with. I no longer speak to her and don't care too.
@lawsonsmama , thank you mama. I guess I am just scared to uproot our life's again. But with both of us being unhappy, and when my daughter told me she was it broke my heart. it has been weighting heavy on me. Plus the baby's father is in FL, and I feel if he ever decided he wanted something to do with the baby he can't if I'm here. and in FL at least it would be easier for him to see her. ( my husband my 8 yr olds father passed away, his ashes and grave site is in FL as well. I do carry around a heart with some ashes in there but she likes to go "see" him)
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
my husband and I relocated to NC in March 2015 for me to accept a great job opportunity. the salary was great, they gave me $12k sign on bonus and 4 months into the job, I was miserable. I cried everyday and wanted to go home so bad. I even felt extremely guilty bc my husband had to move and uproot his life too. I quit that job and found a better one, then I found out I was pregnant in August and I was SO excited when my husband and I made the decision to move back home. we will have the baby here next month then move back in july. it will be stressful moving with a newborn but nothing changes the excitement and ending this nightmare of the past year. long story short, do what makes you happy!!!!
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
If you're that unhappy I'd definitely figure out a way to go back, was there a particular reason for leaving in the first place? Make sure you're just really look into all your options before you just jump, I hope you find what's best for you and your kids. 😊
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I thought about that too. but I am truly miserable here. as well as my daughter is.
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
maybe go visit
04.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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