so I need some opinions... in December I moved here to Indy from FL. As time goes on, I get more and more home sick. ( but no longer have any family there.) I regret leaving my job I loved, I miss everything about FL , and then my 8 yr old daughter the other day tells me she wants to go home too. mind you I haven't mentioned anything to her about me missing FL. now my thoughts are, save money, have the baby and move back to where I call home. Moving back AFTER the baby though will be harder due to having to rent a truck and they don't have enough room for a baby and 8 yr old.. Also, don't want to move my daughter's school again before it's out. if I wait till she's outta school I might as well wait until I have the baby. ugh sorry if none of this makes since, I can't sleep or do anything but think of FL and being home.