Dr. recommended castor oil. Im 40 weeks and 4cm dilated 80% thinned. Ive tried sex, walking, bouncing on a exercise ball, everything. He said it may be the only thing to help if i dont wanna get induced or have a chance of c section.
stool softeners are safe while pregnant, not laxatives, laxatives can cause dehydration because it makes you go, unlike stool softeners which makes it easier to go
i was really worried about it but he said that laxatives are technically safe while pregnant since constipation is a common problem and your baby could poop in the womb without a laxative
all they do is soften your cervix also, we need something to start contractions and labor before Tuesday or im getting induced at 6am 😕 thats what we're trying to avoid ive even got my membranes stripped twice
I've heard extremely bad things about castor oil. I wouldn't do it. And technically (and I know that you're just about done at this point, I was overdue as well) but they can't make u have a c-section or induce you. That's still your own choice. Unless there's medical problems of course. Good luck
@live.laugh.love, I went overdue. walked to the store, bought a fresh pineapple, walked back home, cut up the pineapple, ate as much as I could, and then sat on the couch. Contractions started about an hour and a half later. Went into labor 5 hours later. Maybe try that?