So for those of you who are like me and are coming up on your first swimsuit season postpartum what are your plans? Will you avoid being in a swimsuit, wear a one piece or hop right back in a bikini? I used to have the perfect bikini body pre pregnancy and now 5 months after my c section my confidence is not as high. I live in Los Angeles so swimsuit season is pretty much starting now. I know I don't look "bad" just not how I used to. I just bought a cute mockini at aerie hoping that it would be a good comprise. What do you think?

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I plan on looking great! Girl I am 7 months pp and I also had a c-section. I started P90X3 last month and have lost 10 lbs in 7 weeks. I'm back to pre pregnancy jeans finally lol. It's so tough but so worth it in the end! It's 90 days and it works! I am so excited for the summer. I didn't feel good trying to work out around 8 weeks so I took it slow so that's why I waited until 6 months pp. I can help you if you like. :) I might add I was 148 and now 138.
01.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I got one from Macy's it's Gottex Profile Swimdress it's called Enchantment - black and white. Sweetheart neckline and flattering on the bottom. Really flattering! Check it out
01.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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