just seen an Instagram post of a mom hating on another girl for saying she's uncomfortable with her body, the picture was a girl at a gym so she is doing something about it. the hateful comments were about the fact that she had little to no strech marks so she doesn't really deserve to be uncomfortable with her mom bod cause other moms have major strech marks. like is that necessary? people react differently and are comfortable with different things. I'm so annoyed sorry

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31.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yea and I feel ya. I got some stretch marks but they are all below my belly button and I hope the stay that way haha using stretch mark cream this time lol
31.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
your lucky! I'm not sure how this kids Gunna treat me but so far I've gain 16 pounds in 20 weeks :/ my Dr. said it's because I was underweight but it makes me sad... lol I was hoping for maybe 30 pounds for the whole thing but probably looking closer for 40 or 50. hahaha I gained 85 with my last son :( took me like 9 years to find work put tricks.
31.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
ya! like I'm 2 weeks pp and my body is back to how I looked at the start of pregnancy, still a bit jiggly but I'm uncomfortable, I used a cream twice a day to have no strech marks cause they make me uncomfortable, I had so many females hate on me for saying I hate strech marks, like you don't have my mind, you don't see things the way I do. I don't get why other people's bodies are such a big deal @cecitrottier
31.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Totally. Maybe she was a beach babe before she had her baby and feeling average Joe doesn't cut it. I mean u know for a fact I won't feel that good for at least a few months after my man's born. No one has the right to tell anyone if they can or can not feel comfortable with their own body! I agree... especially after just having a baby omg.
31.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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