0kay so all day we haven't had any problems latching. but at night and now it's starting again. she won't stay latched. then she gets pissed but she keeps pulling herself off. she doesn't have a dirty diaper and she can breathe just fine. it's only at night time she does this. I don't understand. and I'm trying to stay relaxed and for the most part I do but it gets to be frustrating when it goes on for about 15 minutes and only sometimes does switching sides help
Yeah, I've read that people use that method too! Hopefully it'll calm her down and you guys can try again. And if you haven't yet, definitely contact a lactation consultant, they're so helpful and it's their job to help you! :) Night times are always the hardest for me too! 😪
When my son is being really fussy and won't latch, I give him some expressed milk or formula until he calms down enough. Maybe try expressing some of your milk and giving some through a syringe or alternative?