so I confronted my bf today but I told him some girl called my phone telling me he's messing with her.. I looked in his phone this morning n found deleted pics of some girl 😕
I would have beat the fuck out of my boyfriend already . Idk how you kept your cool . My boyfriend knows I go thru his phone and doesn't say anything because he does the same
@ashley_abby20, totally once i saw my cousin at target and he said hi to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek (us mexicans lol thays how we greet lol) and my husband was so mad ajajajajaj he didnt even recognize it was my cousin lmao lame
@nancy646, @selene_drt That's how men are they do there little stupid shit but if we say hi to a guy or have a friend that's a guy it's a big ass problem an we hoes lmao an this an that
@nancy646, i too once found something the first time i checked his phone while he was sleeping and i was so hurt and mad, but i kept it to myself until 3 months later he tried to acuse me of something and i told him about what i had found on his phone and i was so mad i cried and threw my phone straight to his head we were dating right there and then he still married my phsyco ass lol
@selene_drt, girl I'm trying so hard to keep it cool I have 3 kids one with him n I hate drama and I simply told him its over im done I don't need his bs lies I just didn't mention I went thru his phone
omg girl idk how you do it to keep calm lol in (in a good way) i would chop my husband's penis if i find that. Once i lost it becase he send a poke in fb i cant imagine now an image
yes thats what makes me more mad that he has pics of a bitch n deletes it I told him many times if he wants to end it IDC I don't need him @ashley_abby20
@nancy646, She look like a skank you should just tell your bf you used his phone to take a picture of the baby an act like you seen it right there an then lol