ftm here I'm (37 weeks and 3 days) needing to know if anyone has asked to be induced at about this time and if the dr agreed to it.......I'm having contractions and my cervix is soft and very low but I'm not dilating.... help
My doctor won't do anything until 39 weeks unless they have to. What I would suggest though is for you to make your appointment now to be induced at 39 weeks. I have a scheduled c-section for April 11th. If baby turns then they will induce my labor. Hope this helps.?
That's a good question. Usually they won't induce you unless it's medically necessary but you're almost at the finish line! 😊 Who knows , you should talk to your DR about it & they might just do it. But they probably won't even need to induce you, you sound like you're ready to have this baby any day now! Hang in there, you're almost there:) Good luck!