I had my 1st baby February 26th & this is the birth control I chose to use...I'm worried I'll forget to take it plus when you are on antibiotics it cancels it out so I'm thinking I want a different one, but I have no idea which one. I haven't used any kind of contraceptive in 6yrs until now & honestly I HATE having to use condoms. I do want another baby, but if course not anytime soon...could you please give me your opinion...tell me a little about the different ones...the good & the bad? Thanks.
I HATED depo. I gained 60lbs and it made me CRAZY. Like psycho kill someone crazy. Have you considered an IUD? They last 3-5 years depending on which one you get. Some have hormones, others don't.
the depo is really bad to be on for an extended period of time, do your research if you're really considering it! I was on it for over a year and know other people who also have long term female problems cause by it.
I guess another con I can also mention about the depo shot is that it can cause low bone density if taken over a long period of time. honestly, all hormonal birth controls have pros and cons health wise, some that are much worse than others. it really just depends on what works for you and your body.
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've taken Ort-Try-cylin but I don't think they have that anymore. It was good but I always forgot to take it. I also was on depo but my husband told me it's a really bad birth control. And the doctor I have now said that too. But that's the only 2 I've ever taken. I didn't lose my vergenty until I was 22yr. I'm sorry, I hope this helped a little. @emberlynnsmommy
ive had the mirena and the nexplanon. I had both removed bc of having issues with them. Mirena aka iud if you get infections easy do not get it. Thats why I had mine removed. And the nexplanon that goes in your arm gave me cysts on my ovaries. Thats why I took that out. Its all up to you though.
it's not all antibiotics that cancel it out; only certain ones. as long as your doctor knows you're on birth control they should be able to give you an antibiotic that won't interfere with it. :)
my go to is the depo provera shot. it still cancels out with antibiotics, but it's once every three months so you don't have to remember that often. it takes effect within a week, and it freezes your cycle. so no period. only con for me was minimal weight gain because it is a pretty hefty hormonal punch at initial injection.
@emberlynnsmommy, any birth control is canceled out when you're in antibiotics. I would suggest tracking your period and ovulation days! So you know when you're ovulating and if you happen to be on antibiotics then don't have sex. I have always taken the pill and found it the best! Then you can stop it when you want your next bavy