I finally had my baby girl on March 23rd :) I went to 41 weeks and 2 days. I had been in early labor for 3 days before I finally went to the hospital. I was only 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. They admitted me so that I could labor and see if I could dilate on my own. I labored for 6 hours and wasn't making progress so I decided to have them break my water. After that, I started dilating and labored for 9 hours before my little Eden was born. I had the natural unmedicated labor that I wanted. Everything was great and I only pushed for about 30 minutes, but when she came out she wasn't able to breathe. They stimulated her and then she started trying to breathe, but she was trying so hard that they thought her lung was going to collapse. She was rushed to the NICU and spent about 3 days there before we finally got to take her home. She's worn out, but she's doing amazing and we are so happy!