IM HEATED IM TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW PEOPLE CAN GET MAD WHEN YOU SAY NO TO VISITORS....LIKE MY SON IS ONLY 3 DAYS OLD LIKE NO! Plus at the end of the day you have to respect my wishes 👌🏾😒 #tryme.
Because people are very selfish individuals. they tend to try and make every little thing about them. they care more about their selfish wants than the health of a defenseless newborn. people give us crap about it too. my husband's grandmother even went as far to say "well you (talking to my husband) and nicole(which is me) will get to hold the baby and you two can be carriers of things as well" and I'm not like.... uh no bitch you just didnt. we made that. you didn't. we are primary care givers. you arent. we will get shots for things that can harm our child. you aren't. get over yourself. a baby comes out of my vagina and obviously means it's all about someone else right? 😑
In my family noone is aloud to hold the baby until they are about 4 or 5 months so i dont blame you at all..they could be sick and carryin all types of germs