omg you too! I've heard about the terrible 2 but thought it was a joke. my daughter just turned 2 in march 17. from being quiet now she doesnt stop walkin/running/climbing and driving me crazy. 😒 peppa pig, a long bath, and activities like coloring, are helping.
@mrsdaniels411, Wow you definitely got your hands tied. thank you for sharing. My daughter does the exact thing. I use a timer when I put her on timeout and she stays and feels bad. She says sorry and everything 2 hours later samething and I try talking to her. She's not even two yet but I hope it is just a phase. I don't know you but I can imagine what you go through everyday so I'm inspired by mom's like yourself. Thanks again
Yes I have a boy who just turned 2 in February and when he doesn't get his way he hangs the lip and crosses the arms and walks away all upset haha I try to do time outs but he doesn't like to sit for longer than a second. It does sometimes get to be a lot especially with an almost 4 year old boy and 8 year old boy with Autism. But we roll with the punches. So let's just say I can never wait till bed time haha