So for moms that had to induce..could you please share the experience..from pain to everything?? I'm due on the 1st, but my induction is on the 5th... if I get that far I kinda wanna know what to expect.

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I was induced due to my baby's heartbeat dropping. I went in around 7:20am w/pain after monitoring his heartbeat they decided i was staying around 11 i was started on pitocin. I went in 2 cm dilated got started on 2 of pitocin and got an increase by 2 every 30 minutes or when they felt the need too increase it. Around 7:40pm i had only dilated to a 3 1/2 so rhe doc broke my water to make the process go faster. I didnt get the epidural till 9 but that thing didnt even work. At 11:25pm i got an increase on the epidural got checked and babys head was right there ended up having him at 11:33 3 minutes after the epidural had finally kicked in which i thank god because my placenta had to be removed manually by a male doctor with big hands
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
also, in addition to my first comment, I didn't have a epidural the second time around... my first labor was 10 hours, second was 5 hours. without the epidural I had her out in 3 pushes (it took me over 2 hours to push my son out with an epidural my first time around)... My second labor, I had them turn down the oxytocin because my body took over and started doing what it was supposed to do naturally.... I was dilated to 5 when I was admitted with my son, and 3 with my daughter (saw you ask that a few times)... Hope this helps. Best of luck and hope you have a positive experience.
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was induced at 41 weeks. Went in on Thursday and didn't have him til Saturday afternoon. I was only 1cm still. So they started off with putting this bulb in me. To help me dilate to a 3. Took 6 hours to work. It can take up to 12 they said. Then they had me put medicine in my gums to dissolve a couple hours after that. That's when my contractions really started up bad. Once I got to a 5, they started the pitocin, which I went from a 5-9cm in just 30-45 mins. When I got to 9, they said it was my last chance to get epidural, so I got it. Sadly my epidural did me no good, and didn't work for me. I felt everything. Once I got to 10 I waited about an hour before even pushing because he was still high up. Then I pushed for about 40 mins. It was a very long process! So get as much sleep as you can in the hospital 😌
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kala_elise thanks for the response. & i don't have pre-eclampsia but I do have strep b.. so I'm how that would go knowing they can't break the water unless I have the medication done. I'm not personally scared.. just want to know the scares so I won't be.
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Baby was 100% healthy :D He was smaller than average but was able to go home the next day! :) @marisa95lynn
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@littlepeanut91 oh ok as long as the baby was healthy!!
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was induced with my first 2 kids at 37 weeks due to Pre-eclampsia (and will most likely be with this one because I'm high risk)... The first time it was unexpected, I went for a normal check up and my blood pressure was 167/113 so they sent me straight to the hospital, started me on oxytocin and broke my water. But, the second time around, they had me come in the night before, put a tablet in/near my cervix to soften it and help me dilate, then the next morning they took it out and started the oxytocin, broke my water and stuff... The oxytocin makes your contractions come regularly and strong, so, if they're too strong, and too painful, they can turn it down, but that can slow down labor if you do that... Most women who've experienced both induced and non-induced labors say that the induced labors are more painful because of the oxytocin. And, if you get an epidural, you're not allowed to get out of bed and they give you a catheter in your bladder until you start pushing. Not trying to scare you or anything, but, just want you to know what to expect.
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
You're welcome! I was 36 weeks! @marisa95lynn
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@littlepeanut91 thanks for the response! also how many weeks were you.?
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@canaryv thank you. & i was thinking the same that's why I hope she comes before.
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I went in for an induction due to some complications, so I wasn't dilated at all. Never was given the chance to labor naturally sadly. The pain was intense. It started awhile after they gave me the pitocin, but maybe they gave me a low dosage at first since it was bedtime when they started it. I asked for an epidural, but they didn't check my cervix and I was at 8 cm and the epidural didn't work right away, so I was sitting there getting pumped with medication while contracting and all that jazz for what seemed like a decade lol finally the epidural started working and I think he was out less than an hour after that :) Had a natural birth with only a little bit of pitocin a few years later and it was easier in my opinion. Pitocin is intense!!!!
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hopefully you take to it better than she did but from what I've heard it only hurts a little more than a more "natural" labor because your body is being "forced" to labor a lot faster and didnt have time to do it on its own if that makes sense &I no problem :)
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@canaryv thanks for the response& I'm not scared really just trying to get the feel of what to expect.
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hope I don't scare you but this is my SILs story. My brother is a dork and said it was the "exorcism of Lucero" because she was acting crazy 😱😂 Anyways! My sister in law may just be a wimp but for her being induced was an awful experience physically. She labored for 20 hours, had to be given medicine to put her to sleep she was contracting way too fast and her body was wearing out. After being "put to sleep" 2 times she finally gave birth early the next morning. They did the epidural wrong on her and she struggled with that too but thankfully they were able to get it right before the actual pushing.
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@theinkedmommy were you dilated at all when you went in?? sorry if that's personal. And thanks for the response.
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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