I'm 2 dpiui and I'm dying to know if it worked! has anyone had iui done and had a hard time waiting for the 2 weeks to be up so you can take a pregnancy test? I don't know what to do to keep my mind off of the ticking clock! help!
I was only having a period every 3 or 4 months and when I did have a period I would ovulate. because i have pcos. so they started with me by giving me a med to start my period. then on the 3rd day of my period I started a hormone to make me ovulate. then at day 14 after first day of period I started taking at home ovulation tests. then 3 days later I called in my LH spike anf the next day I had the iui done. I'll know 14 days after the iui if im prego. if not I will go to dr to make sure I'm not pregnant. then if by day 16 I haven't started my period I will start again from the top.
with insurance i paid 300 dollar deductible and 750 for my husband's sperm freezing. then I will end up paint about 100 dollars for the actual iui after my deductible. and each time i go to the dr its a 35 dollar copay (because its a specialist) without insurance it's 450 dollars for the iui and 750 for the first sperm freezing and 450 every other month for more sperm freezing. it's not as expensive as ivf. that is nearly 2000 dollars with insurance. without it is about 3500 per round of ivf. and iui is basically, they get you to ovulate and they make you come in at least once a week if not twice a week to find out when you ovulate. then as your lh lever spikes (they figure that out with at home ovulation tests) then you go in the next day and they put a needle into your cervix and inject the sperm. then you do 2 weeks of progesterone meds to make the baby stick around. then in 2 weeks after iui you are either pregnant or you start over again with a period.