HPT experts needed! I did this test yesterday during the afternoon at first it looked negative then at 2 1/2 minutes it showed a faint line. I showed the test to my husband and he saw it and said it was positive. At minute 6 line faded and then it was gone. (thats the test past the 10 min) has anyone experienced this? Share your story. ?
@daez23 no it was a rite brand and it really bothered to see that faint line. So I will wait to retest again and maybe also do it early in the morning. Good luck my dear. I know how you are feeling.
@k2678 thanks so much for sharing. Im in the same situation. but I have been trying for 1.5 years for baby number 2 im scared to not being pregnant.. was yours a dollar store test also?
Not sure about it fading but i def see a line and would retest in a few days as ur hormone may not be strong enough for a darker line. fingers crossed for you ♡