Katya Ibarra
Katya Ibarra
Why does it seem like my boyfriend is the only one that cares about my stretch marks? 😟 Like seriously almost twice a week he tells me it looks like they're getting bad or asks if I'm still putting on my lotion. Yes I know they don't look good or attractive and I regret not putting lotion in the beginning (I hit 32 weeks that's when I grew out of no where and got them extremely bad, I actually looked pregnant) but can you please not rub my stomach and give me this "look, you see, getting worse" face and tell me something about it. You may be doing it because you care about me but I sometimes take it in a bad way as in you only care about looks since I know at times you do. You wonder why I always pull away every time you try to touch me in any way 😧 #INSECURITIES especially when I know you're liking girls pictures that are skinny, fit, good looking and way more prettier than me 😔 Also doesn't help when it seems like you don't want to be seen in public with me since all we do is stay at my house and watch TV. I get that your tired from work and we don't have much money to spend to go out but c'mon I don't mind just going to the park for half an hour, you know I'm not the type of person that needs money to have fun. I would actually enjoy it better than any other place, I hate being coped up in my house all the time and yes I could've gone to the park when you're working like you always say but it's something called spending quality time together. 😤😧😟😳😔

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:/ There is more to beauty than simply physical appearance, especially when we ALL have physical attributes/maladies that we can't control.
27.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't think guys will ever understand our feelings. Having the same issues with my bf. And for the stretch marks, those are a reminder that your body once held a beautiful little human being. My mom showed me hers when I was little and told me which pregnancy they were from and she was so happy telling me the story behind them. They are your tiger stripes and you earned them ❤
27.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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