Alexander Rodriguez 6 pounds 0 Oz
I would never wish the pains of labor on my worst enemy ! I couldn't get through it without my S.O And my son and Jesus Christ!
9 hrs in labor seemed like forever!
He was born at 1:20 pm and I can't stop looking at him I'm so in love.
Besides that I can't sleep cause my eyes are always on in making sure he's ok not choking or spitting up milk ugh I hate that.
Tomorrow hopefully we can go home and all his testing goes well ♡
@josiah16, Mom's are awesome period weather you had it natural or had pain medication cause at the end if the day u still fill the pain. Carried your lil one for nine months then push them out! And on top of all that we raise them no matter if we have our s.o by our sides.
@josiah16, I don't even know how I dealt with it. Everyone different if u choose to that's your choice there is nothing wrong with that. May you have a safe and healthy delivery :)