If it's for medical reasoning I understand but if natural is what you want always get a second opinion because an epidural can do some things to blood pressure and end up in c section ....
yeah I understand that but I mean ladies getting induced at 37-40 weeks is what I have an issue with. docs should let you go till 40 before they even decide to talk about it. my doc asked me at 25 weeks like I'm not even close enough to consider at that point. @nikjay2015
I'm in the same boat. The doctor told me the reason for inductions is because after 42 weeks, the placenta stops functioning. So if my baby boy isn't born by week 41, I'm getting induced. Right now I'm 39 weeks, zero percent dilated, and barely effaced 😕. Hopefully a miracle happens within the next week @v_daloca @mygiftof2016 @mrs.krissy07
@v_daloca I agree. I told my ob no baby decides. I'm uncompfy but comes with territory he needs his time. it's gota happen sometime lol cant stay there forever hahaha jeepers
yeah I agree they induce way too much these days I say baby not coming till HE is ready. idc if not convenient for anyone else!! so irritating like theyre already tryna schedule me I'm close but not really jeeze lets see what happens when time comes. and mamas being a little crazy with it too. like I waited for penut this long what's a few more days relax enjoy you bAby in there. maybe baby needs that extra time idk
I know it's like a docs dream to induce just to get things over with but jeez! I want a natural birth and my OB is over here scheduling an induction 😑 like let my body do its thing!