@chyna777, yes make sure to drink up alot of girls say they cant stand water after a while if thats the case u can always try flavor water as well and drink some orange juice too 🙂
oh okay. I will drink lots of water ... yes cause my lips felt dry. an they been chapped but I mean I drink water but only when I put carmax it helps. 😄 @deannapooley
@chyna777, there is no reason really i thought my son was gonna come early but ended up coming a week late and i had to be induced! I started getting Braxton hicks in my second trimester around 22 weeks and the rest of my pregnancy, even if u feel like your drink tons of water remember your sharing with the baby so the steal everything lol being dehydrated can cause Braxton hicks to start and possible be more painful
oh I see.. maybe that's why I have been feeling aches from time to time but it's not extremely painful. just aches. where you feel your lower body tight. I feel those every once in a while. an sometimes I feel gassy but I can't let out. I think that's when it happens. @allizayesmom
oh okay. yes cause I haven't got there yet but I know I need to be prepared cause they said. I will be sure to keep on drinking slot of water. but why is it the reason some girls have it so soon ? @deannapooley
Braxton Hicks contractions can begin as early as the second trimester. However, they are most commonly experienced in the third trimester. When this happens, the muscles of the uterus tighten for approximately 30 to 60 seconds, and sometimes as long as two minutes.