Hey ya'll. Last night I had a bit of a scare. My kids were wrestling around and I got kicked in my belly. I'm 21 weeks today. I called my doc and she said that I should monitor it and doesn't think it caused any damage to the placenta or the baby. Well, this morning I had spotting and called my doc and she advised me to go to the hospital and I did immediately. There they listened to the heart beat and everything looked ok. What I'm having a problem with is the way the doctor measured the fundal height. She took her hand (in a karate chop position) and started pushing it in until she felt the placenta. It was kinda hard and I wasn't even completely lying down. Is that normal? I looked it up and they don't say that's how it's done. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I've had a horrible couple of days and it doesn't seem to get better. I'm so worried about something hurting/damaging the baby

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Thank you, it does. I appreciate you letting me know. I think my nerves have been on overdrive these past few days and I'm overthinking it.
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
That's how they've always checked my fundal height. If you're worried about her method, it's not harmful to you or baby. Uncomfortable maybe, but baby is pretty well protected. Hope this helps.
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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