i just need to rant a little !!
I see all of these Facebook pages for moms and what not. and people post pictures of common new born baby skin problems. and everyone automatically jumps to the assumption that it's from a cat. I'm sorry but since I've become pregnant people have told me that my 13 year old cat and my 14 year old cat will kill my child and that my dog who is almost 3 who is around very small children almost everyday is very cautious around them. I'm so tired of people blaming the pets. I'm so tired of people saying I need go get rid of my pets because they arnt clean. I'm a clean freak my cats and dogs get flea treated 2 times a month. I vacuume sweep and mop everyday. my boyfriend scoops our cat box 3 times a day and bleaches it once a week. I don't let my dog on the couch my cats don't get on my couch unless there is a blanket down they prefer their huge cat tree. they won't be allowed in the babies room until the baby is older but I'm so tired of seeing posts about people rehoming their pets because of a baby. or bc the pet will kill them or bc it's dirty. ugh rant over

Лучший комментарий


Pets are really great for kids mental health! And they are not dirty unless you're not taking care of them. Those people are off their rockers and shouldn't have gotten pets in the first place!!!
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think the cat thing is brought up too because alot of people can be allergic to them and alot of ppl don't want to find out their newborns are allergic to cats until they are a little older. just from what I've heard from people.
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I would never think of getting rid of my dogs. They're my kids. I believe some people get rid of their animals because either they can't care for both baby and their animal or because they aren't properly educated on how to care for their dogs to where they feel comfortable baby won't get sick. I have two dogs but the house I live in there's now 9 dogs total since we had to put down one due to kidney and lung failure. Their all very spoiled and we'll groomed and feed. The house is constantly being mopped and swept and all the dogs are well behaved besides the 9 month old german shepherd who's currently going to dog training classes. Our animals are our kids as well as our daughter.
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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