ShayKayla Stevens
ShayKayla Stevens
My son is 1 tomorrow and I want to be pregnant again so bad! I go to my female Dr next Wednesday to see what steps I'll need to get pregnant. last time I had to use meds to ovulate. Has anyone else used help getting pregnant more than once?

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Yes I agree! 💙 And thank you so much I appreciate it! I'll be posting once I find out something :) and I sure will take my prenatals! What is preseed?? @cammyj84
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
you not telling me nothing! it's super hard and ppl don't understand bc it's so damn easy for them like buttering bread. all I can say is the fact that we know it's a gift let's us appreciate our babies a little bit harder. ♡♡ so for your lost and I have a good feeling you will be blessed with more soon. keep me posted!!! don't forget to take your prenatals and get that preseed.
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you so much girl! I'm glad you have your kids it's hard knowing you can't get pregnant on your own :( I'm ready to try again and I'm hoping it works just as quick this time :) The first time I got pregnant right away but I lost the baby. then I took another round of chlomid and got pregnant with my son. I'm so excited and nervous lol. @cammyj84
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was 20 with my 1st son and had him when I was 21. the only difference is back then there was no such a thing of preseed I used that and got pregnant the 1st cycle of clomid when I did back than I was on 100mg for 2 cycles moved up to 150 mg and then got pregnant this time I was only on 50mg @shaykayla
I waited so long bc I was grateful to have a child but as I'm getting older I realize my son wouldn't ever be an uncle or have someone with him if something happens to me or my husband so glad to hear you trying again so soon I think it's better that way! good luck
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thats what I used to get pregnant with my son! I'm hoping it works again this time :) @cammyj84
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
clomid 1st pregnancy 11 yrs ago and thus one as well
24.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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