I'm 6 weeks pregnant as a first time mom and I woke up feeling sick today! I'm so worried, I never thought about sick pregnant ladies. Will my baby be ok? Help!!!! What can I safely take to feel better?
i think the overheating thats truly harmful for your baby is in a sauna or hot tub. but when your body overheats due to a fever it's your body fighting an infection. too much Tylenol only masks the real issue. take warm baths or use a cold towel on your forehead. stay hydrated. this is pretty much what I do for my 3 year old when he gets a fever.
drink hot tea with honey & lemon. lots of water for your headache. or take a nap. it's not always necessary to rush & take medicine. just an opnion from someone who hates pills lol
unless it's okayed by your doctor, stick with Tylenol. Always ask before taking anything, natural or not. Being sick and pregnant is definitely not the greatest experience but as long as you're pushing water, eating healthy, and taking your vitamims, you'll be okay. I love oranges whenever I feel something coming on. I also love green, yellow, and red peppers raw with a little dressing! my go to sick foods
yes, unless otherwise directed by your care provider. mine said I could ibuprofen for migraines. only migraines. so I have used it once cos I saw scared and it was only 400mg
You'll be fine 😊 You can take any Tylenol product, but that's it. Drink lots of water and try to rest. If you feel like you are getting worse, call your dr.