update- my Dr did another membrane sweep just longer and harder this time. I'm between a 2 and 3 (been a 2 for at least 4wks). he didn't even think I'd make it to 38wk but this child of mine is stubborn. so if she's jot here by Thursday I go in for an induction. he's going to give me cervidil which is inserted like a tampon and he recommends it for first time moms. I'm kinda scared though. I didn't want to have to be induced and I've heard it makes things drag out and more painful

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I didn't want pitocin and he thinks cervidil is easier for first time mothers. but I guess I might have to have pitocin also? I'm not exactly sure I didn't ask any questions because I was a little upset and overwhelmed. I've been having contractions but nothing hospital worthy. I hope I'm dilated a little more at least. technically I'll be 40wks tomorrow 😧😧 I'm scared she's gonna be too big but honestly we don't really know. he did an ultrasound at 32wks and she measured 34wks but he said those aren't always accurate.
okay yeah I know every one is different so I know Iight react differently but it's still scary to me just everything I know and have been told.
23.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
i had cervidil it wasnt bad:) they did 2 doses of cervidil (i think its every 12 hours?) but im not sure. then i had pitocin. i started cervidil friday and had her at 3:22 am Sunday. i was 35+4 being induced since she was in the 3rd percentile for weight had a two vessel cord and severe iugr (intrauterine growth restriction)
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I was in preterm labor for 3 days stuck at 5cm. when I developed preclamscia on day 3 I was induced with pitocen and bag of water broken. after that took only 15 hrs for her to be born which is pretty quick
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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