hey ladies I need some advice on what to do on a couple different things.

1. I passed my baby Saturday morning and since then I have had SEVERE cramping and heavy bleeding. my doctor told me I shouldn't be bleeding any more than about 1 pad every couple hours, but I'm going through way more than that and when I called to make sure I shouldn't come in she says that everything is normal. I'm so confused and in lots of pain.

2. My boobs are leaking way more now and i wanted to know when it would stop and different ways I can dry them up.

3. My fiance and I want to try for another baby but the doctor wouldn't give us a time frame for when we can start trying again. any suggestions?

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I have read to wait at least one cycle. So wait until after you ovulate, and then try again on the next cycle.
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'd say try when everything is healed. Wait about a month or so
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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