It really depends on the son will be 2 months old tomorrow and was weighed yesterday and was at 11lbs 8 oz...a weighed feeding is when the baby gets weighed, then you nurse them, then you weigh them again immediately after feeding. How many oz they gain is how man oz they ate
As long as she is having a minimum of 6 wet diapers a day and is not loosing weight then she is getting enough...those are the only ways to tell (unless u do a weigh feeding)
@christy0128, no problem. Just make sure your changing boobs at each feeding or pump the other one if theres discomfort from her not feeding on that one just to keep the flow constant on both sides.
I had a nurse tell me once one boob is the meat and potatoes and the second boob is like desert not really needed but if your super hungry or really want it why not lol