This epidural made one side of my body more numb than the other😞 I literally can't feel my left leg 😒 idk how I am going to push if I can't feel anything😩. The doctor said it's normal but it's scaring me. Have any of you ladies had this?
they are supposed to be turning you side to side every so often to keep the medicine even. and they will time your contractions and tell you when to push and stop
Yes it's normal but freaky lol. You'll be able to push still-they'll tell you when you're having a contraction so you can push then (kinda like pushing out a big poop). Good luck!!
I had an epidural with my daughter and plan on getting it again with my son. Since you can't really feel when it's time to push they tell you. Just make sure that if they don't tell you to push you don't no matter what. Make sure you only push when they are telling you to cause there may be a reason that they're not telling you to push. When pushing you will feel pressure though and may be able to feel the contractions again just no where near as strong as you would with out the epidural
The right side of my body was completely numb at first, than then the epidural kicked in on the left side and I couldn't feel a thing! It was great, but trust me you'll have no problem delivering the baby, but if your worried you can ask them to slow it down that way you can feel more if you want.