I don't understand why some of you people are on here, if you don't like to see "common sense" questions? Like just because you know it's common sense because you've been through pregnancy once doesn't mean that EVERYBODY else has to know it is too. what do you think this is magic? you think people get pregnant & magically know everything they are going through is normal?
I've been pregnant THREE count them 1,2,3 times & I still don't know everything that goes on with pregnancy. I also have an EIGHT year old child & still don't know everything about children. Why is that you ask well common sense would tell you that EVERYBODY, EVERY PREGNANCY & EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT. IM OVER YOU GUYS TODAY YALL ARE TOO GOOD & TO SMART FOR ME.

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@emkasting & that's sad you shouldn't be afraid to ask anything in a place where it's supposed to be "supportive & welcoming" but some people are just ridiculous!
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sometimes I feel like I might ask stupid questions but this is my first pregnancy so the amount of stuff I don't know is kind of overwhelming! And for the most part I would rather ask ladies on here than torture myself with Google, but now I feel scared to ask certain things because I've seen a lot of posts on here recently about how rude others are being simply because someone asked a question. Pretty ridiculous I mean we are all adults here why do we need to shame other women? It's so immature
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I feel the same way about that too. Or I just say I agree to support an answer. That way they feel more confident that more than one person is in alliance.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lashellg I've seen questions like "am I hurting my baby when I have sex ?" that wouldn't make me wonder that would just make me say this person is over thinking things I usually don't comment because most of the time others beat me to it to help the person out & I don't wanna be redundant & answer the question again with the same answer in different words basically.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I just avoid questions that I feel is dumb. I know everyone doesnt know everything. I dont either. But questions like "Im pregnant and we just had sex. Whats going to happen now?" Makes you wonder. But then again. I have seen where unthinkable happens. So, I feel just give advice or dont say anything at all.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommagotbump16, I get it, it's sad. It really is. I'm not gonna say she shouldn't ask her doctor first, but I'm sure she felt silly asking when she's already pregnant. The doctors office is intimidating enough as it is. I just hope some of you can have some compassion for people like her because you don't know her history and if you think it's sad, help her out. Give her a link to a credible source that explains shit like that. Don't just show your hubby and comment how dumb she is and how pitiful she is. Just sayin.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kelseys yes! it definitely pays to have a good doctor! I've been experiencing a lot of new things with this baby & I'm glad i have the doctor I have she's amazing at answering my questions about anything it may be like why the hell my ass is hurting lol
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I even noticed to, depending on the doctor they don't always tell you things. since I'm switched to Loyola(Seriously best place ever lol) they literally explained everything to me and double checked everything and now they have me on High blood pressure meds(baby aspirin) because I had preeclampsia with my first and none of my doctors were concerned about it when I was pregnant with Sammy. And they explained things to me that were never explained while I was pregnant with Vincent and samny so its so different this time
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@cammyj84 Most of the time it's the new people on here, that come on here entitled & know everything because they have one kid already & are pregnant again. I have 3 & I'm pregnant again & I still have to ask for help sometimes from a professional of course but hell I still need help!
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kelseys Girl yes I'm pregnant for the fourth time & sometimes I'm still like what's this!?
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I went to my OB a Friday and I didn't know everything like I thought lol. it really is different every time, and there's always new information.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@indigenousmommy apparently not so "supportive & welcoming". so much judgement it's crazy
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommagotbump16, some ladies grew up in homes where learning things about your body was shamed or grew up with a mother that didn't discuss anything with their children. It's a lack of education. At least she feels like she can ask this supposedly "supportive and welcoming" community.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommagotbump16 ^
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Like @indigenousmommy said help her out then not everybody is bright & not everyone paid attention in school. I not gonna sit here & judge people based on what they do & don't know. if you wanna keep arguing or talking about how another person doesn't known her anatomy go ahead & make your own post & discuss that with someone else because that's not what I'm here for.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I agree with everything you said some ppl just don't know. and furthermore she could be young doing things natural who the hell knows if someone ask u think its stupid keep strolling down and avoid Commenting
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
now I gotta stroll down to c who u talking about lmfao you should have called them out shit I do it all the time
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommagotbump16, if she really doesn't know what's going on with her body, maybe it's best to help her out. I know it may seem ridiculous to you but obviously she doesn't have much support or education outside of this app and maybe she is someone we should be helping, not shaming.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommagotbump16 again that goes back to how many kids has this person had? she's not gonna be an expert on all things pregnancy.
20.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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