Hello to all the mummies out there. Random question. I'm 32 weeks on Monday and I keep having discomfort when I lie completely flat. is this normal? I don't know if I could be heartburn but I feel it just below my breastbone and it's like a burning/uncomfortable pain that sometimes stays for days. Even propping myself up with my pregnancy pillow doesn't always help. Any suggestions? or any other ladies experience this? thank you x

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I've tried both sides. It is everytime I lie down. I sleep most nights propped up now as it's too uncomfortable to lie down
19.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Laying down makes heart burn worse hun xx Try switching sides :)
19.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't lie on my back. I lie on my left hand side and it's there constantly
19.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Doctors etc say not to lie flat during pregnancy because when you lie on your back, the weight of your uterus presses on the major vein that returns blood from your lower body to your heart. Lying on your back for an extended period of time could make you feel dizzy. It could also interfere with the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and your developing baby
19.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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