yesterday morning I had my babies!!so apparently when u have twins u have to deliver in the OR which was good because I had Kylie at 8:03 am and it went awesome. one push...but then we were waiting on Kinsey to engage because she was really high up. by 8:30 she still hadn't came down any and my Dr realized that Kylie placenta was covering my opening and u are supposed to birth both babies then the placentas. anyway this apparently is very rare because neither my Dr nor the senior one she called in the room who had been delivering for thirty years had ever seen this. so they called for an emergency c section and because my stomach wasn't numbing fast enough they put me to sleep which prevented them from letting my SO stay in the room. it did get very scary cuz it happened so fast, but Kinsey wax born at 9:03, there were some complications but everyone is fine now. pictures later..mommy's still in pain, but very happy and grateful!! ❤❤❤